Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Exams, tedium, social retardation...the life of a mature age student

Yes, for reasons currently unknown even to myself, I decided in late 2004 that I would get myself an edumacation and go to uni as a mature age student. I figured a whole bunch of my dope fiend friends had done it back in the day and got through all ok, so me being of relatively good mind would have no significant issues. And for the most part I am fine, but this is now mid year exam period and to be honest with you dear blog, I am finding motivation to be a lacking commodity.

I have pretty much read and read this stuff ad nauseum, and figure that it has to be at least somewhat stuck in there, but there is an underlying feeling that come 6.30 tonight I am going to look at this exam paper and realise that I know five eights of fuck all about human nutrition (despite watching every infomercial and cooking show on free to air TV)...

Added to this is the fact that a week ago, I received some DVD's from sherdog.com ( a mixed martial arts site) which contained 14 hours of fights and what not...and that has taken a lot of my time. If you asked me how many kilojoules in a gram of carbohydrate, I may stall before answering, but ask me whose bed Chris Leben pissed on in the first episode of the UltimateFighter season 1, and I will answer quick as you like 'Jason Thacker'.

What is worst about this is that by deciding at age 29 (now 30) to study, I resigned myself to working weekends for at least 3 years, possibly longer...and it is only now I realise how this has left me completely socially retarded. I went to a mall the other day, it was reasonably busy with stocktake sales and all, and I nearly had a freaken anxiety attack...I don't have a huge amount of friends I see regulalrly and I have no sociable hobbies...if not for the girlfriend (who is probably as juch to blame for my lack of friends as anyone in some ways...whole other story) and my dog, I would speak to almost nobody apart from myself on a day to day basis...there wasa time I use to be sociable and mixed well with others...it would seem that now I am either at uni with kids that I donb't want to speak to, or at home/work with adults I have nothing in common with...

Yep, mature age study...its a grand idea


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