Midweek ramblings...
1. After just having a shower, where I do some of my best thinking, I realised that I have 3 caps, one bucket type hat, one wide brimmed hat, 3 beanies and one balaklava. This is because I am lazy and rarely brush my hair or indeed get it cut. My last haircut was done by myself, with clippers and I gave myself a very shaky mohawk...my defence is I was bored and needed a trim anyway.It is rare for me not to be wearing a hat of some type (which although is pretty stupid, is at least somewhat sun smart, and as I am lucky enough to able to wear trackies and t shirts day in day out, not so impractical), which gives me mild anxiety cause there will no doubt come a time where I need to go sans hat for some reason...what will I do? I bought some hair product over 2 years ago...I just checked the tub, is 7/8ths full still. I have no idea and probably need a stylist. I am a prime canidate for a Queer eye makeover.
2. Boredom has lead me to do some silly things in the past and continues to do so to this day (reference my haircut). Thankfully, God invented DVD's and TV series on DVD...if not for the ability to watch 24 episodes of Scrubs in a 2 day span, I don't know what I would do.
3. After watching Foreign Correspondent last night, I just may run away to Borneo to help out at an Orangutan orphanage. Due to massive amounts of their native habitat being cleared for palm oil plantations (never buy this stuff people...fucken evil), the orangutans are left homeless and although there is still large areas left, they are somewhat territorial and wish to return to their original places...they don't understand why the trees are gone. Add to that rich wankers who think that an orangutan would be a cool pet who pay big bucks so pricks can go and steal babies from their mothers, only so the rich tool can have a baby one, that inside a couple of years is an adolescent and is way stronger than any human around, therefore is discarded as is uncontrollable (no shit, they aren't domesticated). Orangutans can live to around 50 years old...seriously, who needs a pet that lives that long. Let them run free in their own land for Christ sake.
Why as a race we seem to have a death wish for this planet and all living things on it is way beyond me.
4. Clerks II...well worth the viewing.
You... are such a softie. A softie with bad hairs but I adore it nonetheless.
Perhaps you should come to Sydney and Schoonee can Queer Eye you, those frickin trackies would be the first to go
(Note to self: Cannot really comment as I am wearing black trackies, black socks, bright blue slippers with pom pom's, a pink and red Wave Aid t-shirt and a navy and pink zippered hoodie. Oh yes, cast fashion advice around like no ones business)
Back when I bought the tub of hair product, I made a concerted effort for a day or to get dressed neat for work (I had to wear pants and shirts and stuff then) and even do my hair a bit...thing is, it so wasn't me and I was so late that day, I almost got fired. I then realised why although as a young fella I had long hair, the 2 years of shaven head me were probably the most stress free of my life...although I looked like I should be part of the Aryan gang in American history X
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