Saturday, July 22, 2006

These things I know....

1. It would appear that us humans are social beings and as such function best when we partake in social interraction on a regular basis. I know this cause as I so wisely decided to study during the week and work weekends, my social life has gone the way of the dodo. As a result, I now seem to have contracted social phobias and and a severe aversion to crowds.
During the week, me and the lucky lady who has had the privilege of my company (heavy sarcasm here) for the last nearly 7 years went out with a couple of friends (of hers. I don't have any). All was well until 30 minutes into the evening, I realised I have nothing to say to people anymore. Fact is, it is kind of embarrasing, especially when I look at it that I am 30, I hang around with kids 10 years younger than me during the week, and computer nerds on the weekends (I work for an IT company) while strapped to my desk for 12 hours a day. After having a minor panic attack, I started to kick myself for many and various life decisions that lead me to this point.

2. When you get to a certain age, there becomes two groups of people...those who have kids and those who do not, and it would seem that the two groups should not mix.
A mate of mine, who I have known since year 9 at school (when he was the new kid and I saved him from getting beat up by some of the tough kids), his wife recently had a baby. Now unlike a lot of people, I don't get overly excited by this. To me all babies look the same and you don't get any sense out of them till they are older anyways (like 23). However I did do the right thing and went around a few days after mother and child came home...the missus had even bought something for it. Since then (around 2 months ago), I haven't seen the guy or heard from him. I've texted a couple of times but they seem to be now associating with other friends who also have kids...they have moved into a different circle it seems where the price of membership is a few kilos of crying flesh.
This wouldn't bother me too much, if I actually had any normal friends...but as mentioned in point one, I chose to disassociate myself from society.

3. It is far more important what you like, rather what you are like.
I've been with the same girl now for almost 7 years, which I guess is pretty fair going. However, I should also add that we have never been much alike and always had minimal in common. This use to be refreshing, now it is just hard work. The glares of contempt we share over breakfast tell me that it is just a matter of time till we are splitting assets and our dog is part of a broken home.

Good times


At 1:58 PM , Blogger LaLa said...

Oh god. I feel really sad.

At 4:15 PM , Blogger SkinFluteSymphony said...

yeah, I can do that to people it would seem...sorry bout that

At 10:16 AM , Blogger LaLa said...

Ah, no need to apologise, you just seem to have the ability to voice things we have all felt at one stage or another.


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