Saturday, August 19, 2006 takes all breeds.

From a some comments on my previous posts today, it got me thinking about the grand variety of house mates I have had over the years. I didn't have a huge amount of time in share houses, but on reflection had a great variety of housemates each with their own special attributes.

First time I lived away from the folks was when they moved to Victoria for a while and two of my mates moved in. One didn't last long as he had a knee reconstruction and although he did try and stay with us, the lack of attention we gave him, coupled with my adjusting the height of one of his crutches and the ensuing hilarity when he collapsed in a heap in pain was the last straw. However me and the remaining survivor had a grand six months till my folks moved back in. My then girlfriend use to be around a few nights a week also (a growing boy had needs after all) and all in all, we had a great time. A couple of great parties and plenty of late nights drinking cheap beer (anyone else ever get Duff??) and watching Pulp Fiction.

Then my folks came back and ruined it all. I shortly after realised I couldn;t live with them no more so I joined the Army. I then lived on a base for a while, followed by living with a girl (ex fiance actually) for a year or so, till we split and I moved in with 3 other guys from my platoon. One was the aforementioned porn addict, one was a country kid who had no friends, life or personality and one was Vic, who I eventually moved in with again in Toowoomba. That house was a barrel of laughs and gave us all plenty of bleary memories, although toward the end, the wheels fell off a bit and we ended up going our own ways a bit.
One thing of note was when country kid had his younger sister come over for a week and he sat us all down and explained what a nice girl she was and that us perverts were to leave her alone. Good as gold we all said. it wasn't till the next year I was in bali and I met a few guys from their town. When I mentioned his name they all said he was a tool, but his younger sister was one of the biggest slappers in Inverell...felt somewhat cheated to be honest.
Toowoomba was meritorious for a few reasons. One was meeting JT (although he was introduced to me as Abdul, which seemed strange to me as he didnt look pakistani or anything) who is hands down one of the most genuine people I have ever met. Shame I haven't seen him in years. Another thing was living in a house with a verified she devil. One of the first people I ever met who would manipulate every situation to her advantage, fuck the consequences, as long as she was happy, but had a way of not letting people see she was doing it so we all thought she was great. A truly amazing person.
In that house we had 3 guys, 1 girl (although sometimes 3) and 2 dogs. The front door didn't lock and the back door was also stuffed. I mowed the lawn a few times and killed a shit load of weeds, but it made little difference. the place was about 140 years old apparently and has since been knocked down. I must admit that saddens me a bit.

I could probably write a novel on just the 6 or so months I lived in Toowoomba and the things that happened there, but honestly, a lot of the stuff people would not believe. Needless to say when there is a house with too much disposable cash, no jobs and a town with a truckload of pubs (and the RSL for the 2 buck chuck on a monday night), there were minimal boring moments


At 8:14 AM , Blogger LaLa said...

I never got why people called JT Abdul either, it was one of those blokey things that I just could not fathom. But you are correct, he is an absolute gem

At 9:38 AM , Blogger SkinFluteSymphony said...

I think I had know him for 6 weeks before someone told me that wasn't his real name!

I wish he would post more stuff though on his blog though

At 10:58 AM , Blogger LaLa said...

Yes, he is getting quieter and quieter.

Probably got a life (that's not directed at you because you have excuses such as uni, work, dog... I have NO excuses.

At 11:20 AM , Blogger SkinFluteSymphony said...

I will believe he has a life when I read prrof of it on his blog.

You have a least you see people you actually like and post pics about it. If I posted pics of my weekends you would think it was a weekend detention centre

At 11:38 AM , Blogger LaLa said...

I pay those people

You MUST give me some photos.

All I really know about you is what your dog looks like.

At 12:02 PM , Blogger SkinFluteSymphony said...

I am very similar, just taller with smaller ears

At 10:05 AM , Blogger I Am Man I Am You. said...

Flattery will get you everywhere with me! Yes I've dropped of the radar lately. I now have a new RSS feed organiser that will make life much easier. PLus I'm on holidays for 2 weeks.

I could explain the Abdul thing, but you know, what happens on tour stays on tour.

I sometimes feel guilty reminiscing about that Hume street house, but you jeez, it was a truely extraordinary place. I'm a little sad they bulldozed it too. I was up there a few weeks ago-you should see the new place he built. I'm pretty sure there'd be no dog turds left on the front verandah.

Vic and his sister certainly were a unique breed. I still can't understand the breaking of all contact though. Do you thin he was pissed we didn't make it to the wedding?

At 3:36 PM , Blogger SkinFluteSymphony said...

I think he was a bit pissed about that, but I hadn't spoken to him for a long time prior to that. Him and Star were a strange couple of cocnuts...

That house saw some weird shit...lounge room wrestling, dog poop in the 'room that we couldn't get into', slip and slides down the main hallways over the lino...good times.


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