Midweek ramblings...
As I got up this morning, I was reminded that me and the lucky girl who lives with me are having an almost epic battle of wills over who is going to do the dishes. I had to rinse out a glass so I could have my morining carrot, apple and ginger juice and it is starting to resemble one of those houses they show on Today Tonight where bad tenants leave a mess and don't pay their rent.You see, I haven't been home much this week except for night times, and she had monday and tuesday off, therefore, by default, she should be doing them...however, it has yet to be done, meaning I will no doubt fold and do them as even though I do try, I can't handle mess like that.
The social committee at uni is having a pub crawl this saturday night. I'm not going as I am working as usual till 9.30 that night and have an early start the next day also (and I don't bounce back like I use to, plus my 'not been drunk since last November' streak would be in jeopardy), but am doubtful whether I would go anyways. I remember when I was in my late teens/early 20's and being out and seeing an old guy (who was like 30...ancient) trying to hang out with the younger kids and hitting on the girls ten years younger than him...I never wanted to be that guy. If I went out with these kids socially, I would be only setting myself up for a massive bout of depression once self realisation sets in.
Am meant to be meeting up with an old friend today. I went out with her in year 12, we split badly but we bumped into each other in town a couple of years ago and it turns out she lives around the corner. She is married and has a daughter and stuff now...she is very impressed I have a dog. She's good value, but the conversation always ends up turning blue and she seems to think that cause we use to go out in high school, she could convince me to do things with her now. My stock response is 'You are married, with a kid and have no great problems with your home life. Why would you go down this track? Not interested." but I really want to say that as time has rolled past, I have realised that I don't really have any attraction to her that way and although she is a good friend, the thought of doing anything with her makes me physically ill...but I don't.
I guess I am too nice for my own good.
Ah, sounds like someone has a case of grass being greener on the other side. And it's so easy to view the past through rose coloured glasses. But it's called a break-up because it's broken.
Maybe you should say that to her.
That and you would rather knaw your arm off than hook up with her again.
You are too nice for your own good.
I blame my mother for always telling me to be nice to girls and not biting them like I did when I was 4.
Lunch was the standard, although I managed to steer conversation into the area of her daughter and husband (who by all accounts is a top guy) enough that she didn't get too much of a chance to fill my ears with filth!
It is somewhat flattering, but not enough that I like it
It's always nice to be flattered. TWO people told me I was beautiful today, some random man crossing the pedestrian crossing past me and the old, hairy, homeless man outside the library, however, he also wanted 50 cents. I am wise to his wiles, yet, I will take this flattery wherever I can get it.
I just realised I think I spelt knaw wrong, is it gnaw do you think? Is it a word?
I think you should just revert to biting girls.
In a really mean, 4 - year old on red cordial way. I will revert back to wearing my Holly Hobby dress and not speaking to anyone out of extreme shyness to support you.
And as for this statement: "plus my 'not been drunk since last November' streak would be in jeopardy"... Is that really a streak you want to maintain?
I myself am going to a 80's themed 30th. With a free bar tab.
I think this reverting back to 4 year old behaviour could catch on...when you think about it, it would be the last time that we were actually ourselves, unaffected by the outside world (as in school) and there were minimal expectations of us. Our behaviour would be as close to instinctual as possible...or something like that.
Did you give the old guy 50 cents? It was probably just for the bus you know.
Yeah, the streak is somehwat weird. Not that long ago, if I said I hadn;t been drunk all week, it was cause for a ticker tape parade, but due to the mix of uni, work and dog walking, I don't have half the time I use to have, therefore my opportunities have dried up somewhat.
It should also be mentioned, I haven't been out all year either, which would be a major test of my resolve.
Yes, I think we are on to something.
I remember being up really early one morning in London and my flatmates got up to have a cup of tea. It must have been like 5 or 6am and they were both sitting at the kitchen counter yawning and with fuzzy eyes.
Just looking at them I could imagine what they looked like at 3 or 4, despite them being about 30. They were just so cute I wanted to put them in my pocket and keep them forever. Which I want to do anyway because they are my best friends.
I just fucking love kids at that age because if you ask them if they can do something like sing or paint or read they just believe they can and they will have a good old whack at it.
And then they go into society and slowly learn that there are evil bastards in the world who will tell them where their strengths lie. Breaks my heart.
I reckon you should get a bottle of wine tonight. A bottle shared is a bottle halved.
you are right...we are fine until we enter society at large and get influenced by everyone elses ideas and prejudices...
and yes, I should get all liquored up tonight...alas, I probably won't
i went to the Slip Inn, where FREDERICK met MARY. Yes.
Um. There were no Princes with a black Amex.
I have a bit of a tale to tell...but not about going anywhere
I'd probably make an effort to go out more. You know, if it wasn't so stupid.
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