Too stimulating???

Apparently, this pic was seen by Japanese officials as being 'too stimulating' to be displayed on a train platform.,23663,20234907-10388,00.html.
This is coming from the country where it is possible apparently to buy used panties from vending machines. Poor old Britney can't take a trick it would seem.
I think the Family Guy movie may well have gotten her future right...can't find a clip of it, but it is her comeback show. She has lost a foot diabetes, but she's still sexy yall
I can't wait until she dumps that deadshit boyfriend. Poor, poor Britters.
He must be the worlds most fertile this not his 4th or 5th kid on the way? Chemical castration should be enforced here
He is also quite possibly the worlds largest fuckwit. Gah. just had mental image of him nekkid. So, so gross.
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