Saturday, August 19, 2006

Today is a great day!

I have found this fusion of two of my favourite TV shows of all time. Seinfeld and Oz. Now seinfeld is pretty well known, but in Australia, it is a fair chance you may have never seen Oz. It wa son SBS for a while on Monday nights at 10, a timeslot also shared by Queer as Folk at a different time. Oz is a prison based drama, like Prisoner, but with more violence and sodomy. There was also the various groups that evolve in prison, like the Aryans, the blacks, the mexicans etc etc.

Anyway, this vid is pure gold...although I guess a lot of folks probably won't agree


At 8:34 AM , Blogger LaLa said...

I know that this may jeopadise our very solid friendship built on shared interests and friendly banter... but... I could not watch this.. I fucking hate Seinfeld. If I had friends like that I would kill myself. I know.

Apparently there is a hell set aside just for me for saying that.

At 9:55 AM , Blogger SkinFluteSymphony said...

Understandable...Seinfeld can somewhat polarise opinions.

Put it this way, I couldn't watch an hour of Seinfeld doing stand up, but the show was good IMO, made mainly by George Costanza and his folks. How can you not love Frank Costanza???

At 11:05 AM , Blogger LaLa said...

Because George is creepy? And they all just moaned and moaned and moaned. But then I always dislike things that other people love. And love the things that other people bag out.

Hence my passion for Big Brother.

At 11:18 AM , Blogger SkinFluteSymphony said...

Georges' creepiness was all part of why he was funny. A short, balding, sweaty little man with no prospects and who lived home with his parents for a lot of the show...whats not to love??

As for hating things everyone else loves, I have a fair element of that myself. For instance living in Adelaide and not particularly liking AFL...makes me pretty much as big an outcast as possible here.

At 11:21 AM , Blogger LaLa said...

Me too! I hate all sports, except for faggoty ones like ice-skating and interpretive dance... which I really, really can't wait to see you do.

At 11:29 AM , Blogger SkinFluteSymphony said...

I like sports plenty, but anything that is given saturation coverage at the expense of everything else shits me...

This interperative dance piece of mine is really gaining momentum...I am thinking I will do it around the idea of the plight of the Silverback Gorillas

At 11:34 AM , Blogger LaLa said...

Yes, yes... Gorillas on the Dance Floor?

At 11:38 AM , Blogger SkinFluteSymphony said...

It will be a sight...quite possibly could end up taking it on the road

At 11:54 AM , Blogger LaLa said...

You would be like those groups that travel around schools. Perhaps you could incorporate something to do with sexual predators.. you know two powerful messages in one powerful performance

At 12:01 PM , Blogger SkinFluteSymphony said...

you are on to something...

I could be Sam, the endangered anti sexual predator Silverback

At 10:12 AM , Blogger I Am Man I Am You. said...

Well, I for one am a Seinfeld nut. Larry David too. I generally watch it at least once a day, and I'm hanging out for the Curb Your Enthusiam series 5 to come out. Does this mean we can't be friends anymore?

That clip was hilarious. Oz sure was one intense show.


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