It's 9.05 pm...I'm at must be Saturday!
I've been here since 9.30am today and I can honestly say I have done nothing worthwhile apart from email folks and watch Scrubs episodes (I also watched Two for the Money...Al Pacino, Matthew Machoweveryouspellit and Rene Russo...not bad, about sports betting, being true to yourself and power in relationships...ok film, but you can almost see the parts where the directors etc figured "Shit, we have Al Pacino on give him some monologues...even if they don't necessarily add anything to the movie."). The smell in the roof here is back and I am starting to figure it is due to workmates who have recently left the company unexpectantly...I don't think they have moved to greener pastures as their farewell emails suggested...rather darker and stinkier pastures, AKA the ceiling of the building.Anyways, on with the ramblings...
1. As of now, I have two weeks off of uni...and to be honest this has come at a really good time for me. Motivation has dropped off the last week or so and I have missed more and more of it...have found myself asking "Why?" more and more often, which for me is never a good sign. The gap between myself and the 19-20 year olds there is becoming more pronounced also...not that I am one of those 30 year olds who looks down his nose at younger folks, but after a while it can all get a little tiresome.
Hopefully in the next two weeks I can knock some assignments over and get some enthusiasm back.
2. Before work today, I took the dog for a walk and the gf decided to come along. For some reason I can't explain, the whole walk I could picture myself turning toward her and smacking her right in the mouth...sure she was talking inanely away, but nothing new there...honestly she was in a decent mood and everything, but for some reason, I just wanted to swing for the fences...thankfully, I don't play like that.
3. Quick question...if your partner called you at say 5.30pm one night and said they would be working late and perhaps getting something to eat afterwards with a new colleague, then they get home after 12, on a work night where they ordinarily are in bed by 8.30 snoring their head off, in pretty good spirits, but not saying much about the night...would you be concerned??
I ask cause this happened at my place a couple of nights ago. I didn't mind, indeed it was kinda refreshing to have a night of peace and quiet. I told a mate of mine and he suggested I should be response was "I couldn't be that lucky" that a bad sign??
Ok, your Scrubs obsession is getting out of hand now. I feel like I should send you my Spice Girls Spiceworld: The Movie, just to get some fibre in your viewing diet.
1. Enjoy the break, I can't say I am not green with envy, I hope this means a new post every day for the next 2 weeks?!
2. I have sort of experienced the same feeling myself, however it was an ex-boyfriend and his sunglasses sat crooked on his head. I had to break up with him in the end. Sometimes it's the littlest things that are the most annoying
3. This has also happened to me, in the end it turned out he was sleeping with a workmate and she got pregnant. I am actually relieved it happened as I was stuck in a situation I didn't really want to be in. Years later he sent me a letter begging my forgiveness and wanting to get back together. I laughed my arse off like the vindictive bitch that I am and threw it in the bin.
Sorry, I just realised that was all about me and nothing to do with your situation.. If it happens again, then I would start getting suspicious. As for your response? Well, that is a question only you can asnwer Choppsy.
I like hearing about your stuff...way more interesting than mine...
Is it bad I had a dream last night I was in Scrubs?? I was a surgeon...
It's like when I dreamt in Haiku... had to have a little break for a while before I started talking like that.
Just try not to think you really ARE a Doctor. Could lead to some messy situations.
I did use to work in a hospital and seriously, if you throw on a white coat and carry a clipboard, people will believe you....I even had a long conversation with a new intern in her first week and for a majority of the conversation, she thought I must have been one also...
and in breaking news, season 4 of Scrubs comes out on September 27...Sweet!
Oh dear. I am afraid an intervention may be in order.
everyone has something...some drink, some do drugs, some gfamble...i watch Scrubs
Don't listen to them mate. Scrubs is a brilliant show and I'm hanging out for season 4 also. If only ALL tv comedies were that funny.
If they were, I would be in a whole world of trouble
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