Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Random stuff...

OK, in accordance with the wishes of my good friend LaLa, here goes...

1) Would you bungee jump?
Done it. Was ok, but I've also jumped out of a plane and rappelled out of a chopper and off a building. Use to be scared of over it
2) If you could do anything in the world for a living what would it be?
Big time actor...My career could have started as a walk on in a sitcom, then a couple of average movies, followed by an independant movie phase for a few years where I would have a groundswell of support by fans of movies with substance instead of heaps of big explosions and gratuitous sex...I would then sell out completely by doing a movie co starring with the Rock, Vin Diesel, Pamela Anderson and Jenna Jameson.

Either that or a writer...I could write a book about a late 20's/Early 30s guy who lives in a town he doesn't particularly like, has no real friends other than some online and his dog, no real career prospects and a relationship that is less than stellar...wouldn't be much of a stretch
3) Your favorite fictional animal?
Fat Cat.
4) One person who never fails to make you laugh?
LaLa...she is a quality girl in all ways, but is funnier than she probably realises.
Dr Cox from Scrubs
5) When you were 12 years old what did you want to be when you grew up?
Footballer, then a lawyer, or possibly a surgeon.HAHAHAHAHA
6) What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?
7) Have you ever gone to therapy?
Nope, but probably should have done at various stages. Would have to have been a healthier answer than my own style...
8) If you could have one super power what would it be?
X ray question!
9) Your favorite cartoon character?
The Hulk...was banned from watching the old TV show when I was 4 due to an embarrassing incident at the supermarket...when the movie came out, I was pretty pleased as my Mum couldn't stop me seeing it
10) Do you go to church?
11) What is your best childhood memory?
Catching lizards and snakes with Jason Perry in the paddocks near where we lived. All fun and games till we both fell down a cliff.
12) Do you think marriage is an outdated ritual?
Unless you are a religious type, then I think it is. Personally, I would feel very hypocritical by doing the church wedding things. Legally, it means not much anymore either with de facto laws coming into effect after living together for 6 months. If I never do it, it won't be a tragedy
13) Do you own a gun?
No, probably for the best
14) Have you ever hit someone of the opposite sex?
15) Have you ever sung in front of a large number of people?
Football club karaoake night in 1995, did these Boots are made for Walking.
16) What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
If they are a carbon copy of every other female walking around or if they have their own way about them
17) What is your biggest mistake?
Not backing myself at times when I should have
18) Say something totally random about yourself.
I can go from feeling pretty good about stuff, to feeling completely shite in a matter of minutes. I daydream audibly and while walking the dog, tell him stories of faraway places.
19) Has anyone ever said that you looked like a celebrity?
A Canadian dude told me once I looked like a guy who played hockey in the NHL. Other than that, I look like no one in particular
20) What is the most romantic thing someone of the opposite sex has done for you?
posted bail
21) Do you actually read these when other people fill them out?
Sadly yes


At 5:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, you certainly made me laugh!

I wanted to know more about:

The Hulk incident
The bail posting incident!

Am I funny? I really did not realise!

At 9:30 AM , Blogger SkinFluteSymphony said...

You are funny...perhpas not always intentionally!

Hulk Incident: I guess I was around 4...the Hulk TV show with Lou Ferrigno and Bill Bixby was my favourite show, along with Cop Shop and 'The Streets of San Francisco' with a young Michael Douglas and old Karl Malden. However the Hulk was God in my eyes.

Anyways, me and my dear mother were at the shops one day, and I wanted a toy car, to which Mum said No. I kept asking, she kept saying no. Then she asked if I wanted a Little Golden Book...of course I didn't, I wanted a toy car woman! Anyway, we are in the checkout line and I am getting more and more angry, and redder and redder in accordance with. There were these two young girls behind us in the line and one of them said "Oh, isn't he cute", so me, in mid tantrum looked at them did the full Hulk Scream and posed as he did right before throwing someone through a wall...after that day, I was banned from watching the Hulk.

Posting of Bail: Don't want to go into it too much...suffice to say there were a few factors which should indicate why this happened. $5 jug night, Townsville, rednecks, Asian friend.
Nothing came from it and no charges ended up being laid, but apparently was closer than any of us liked the sound of

At 9:01 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, then. Sounds like you were actually defending one of your mates and for that, I think you're tops!


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