Saturday, October 21, 2006

Seems I have been tagged...

Because I am basically a little lamb, here goes.
: (X) Smoked a joint
( ) Done cocaine
( ) Been in love. Not sure as what seems like love at the time, in retrospect is more like a passing fascination that gets usurped by the next time someone I like comes around
(X) Had a threesome - the good kind ;)
( ) Been dumped. Always been my doing
( ) Shoplifted- Mum would have killed me!
(X) Had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back- Keilly Saunders the little tramp
(X) Been arrested - Cause I'm well hard
(X) Made out with a stranger - This was almost a sport back in the day!
( ) Gone on a blind date - no, but have gotten blind on a date??
( ) Had a crush on a teacher - no, although my Japanese teacher had a monster rack which she use to rest on our shoulders while looking over our work
(X) Been to Europe - does being born in the UK count?
( ) Been to Canada - no but want to
( ) Been to Mexico - only for a donkey show
(X) Seen someone die
(X) Thrown up in a bar - Drinking + pain killers don't mix
(X) Met a celebrity
(X ) Met someone from the internet in person - Yes...and a more harrowing experience I cannot recall! jarrod, you know who I mean!
(X) Been moshing at a concert - should couple with 'Been arrested?" flowed from the other once or twice
( ) Gone backstage at a concert
(X) Lain outside in the grass and watched cloud shapes go by- though not for long as I started to think about park people and where they go to the toilet
( ) Made a snow angel - never seen snow
(X) Flown a kite - box kite master in grade 5!
(X) Cheated while playing a game - not cheating, not trying
(X) Been lonely- Hi have we met?
(X) Fallen asleep at work
(X) Fallen asleep at school - Friday morning double history in year 11 after thursday at the Seacliff hotel was a tough gig
( ) Used a fake ID - Never actually got carded till i turned 18.
(X) Been kicked out of a bar - Numerous times in my youth.
( ) Felt an earthquake
(X) Touched a snake - A mates carpet python use to sleep on my stomach under my shirt
(X) Slept beneath the stars
( ) Been robbed
(X) Won a contest - guess the jelly beans!
(X ) Run a red light - Often do this inadvertantly
( ) Been suspended from school - was a good kid at school!
( ) Had braces
(X) Felt like an outcast - you sure we haven't met??
(X) Eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night - Am now hungry
(X) Had deja vu - yes, I swear I've done one of these before!
(X ) Totaled a car - First day on my L's!
( ) Stolen a car
(X) Hated the way you look - daily
(X) Witnessed a crime
(X) Been to a strip club - Once or twice....
(X) Been to the opposite side of the world - born there!
(X) Swum in the ocean
(X) Felt like dying
(X) Cried yourself to sleep - when grandfather died
(X) Sung karaoke - These Boots are made for Walking, football club show, 1995. Start of a fine career
(X) Paid for a meal with only coins
(X) Done something you told yourself you wouldn’t - these bloody surveys!!
(X) Made prank phone calls - still do...all time classic
( ) Caught a snowflake on your tongue
( ) Been kissed under the mistletoe - I have a big toe and 4 smaller ones, but no mistletoe...arf arf arf
(X) Had a bonfire on the beach - Weekly occurence at one stage when we were all too young to get into the pub
(X) Crashed a party
(X) Seen a tornado - Does a cyclone count?
( ) Had a wish come true- don't necessarily believe in wishes
(X ) Gone bungee jumping
( ) Screamed in public - although probably have
( ) Told a complete stranger you loved them - I'm not a crazy person!
(X) Had a one night stand
( ) Kissed a mirror - I avoid them
(X) Had a dream that you married someone - My girlfriend from when I was 18...had this dream recently...was very weird
( ) Gotten your fingers stuck together with super glue
(X) Been a cheerleader- the netball team needed all the help they could get
(X) Sat on a roof top
( ) Talked on the phone for more than 6 hours straight - ADHD means I could not
(X) Stayed up all night
(X) Not taken a shower for three days - record is 6 weeks!
( ) Made contact with a ghost while playing a Ouija board - no, but once I saw the wolfman...
( ) Had more than 30 pairs of shoes at a time - I think my record is 8
(X) Gone streaking- few times...not always well advised
(X) Been skinny dipping - till i got paranoid about wrigglers going up my doodle
(X) Been pushed into a pool/lake with all your clothes on - my cousins boyfriend who was 18 when I was guy
(X) Had sex in a public or semi-public place - heheheehhehehehe
(X) Been kissed by a complete stranger - amazingly this use to happen to me quite a bit
(X) Broken a bone - both collarbones, 2 ribs, a wrist, 6 fingers, both thumbs, 6 toes.
(X) Caught a butterfly- not actually butterflies, but caterpillars which turned into butterflies
(X) Mooned/flashed someone - I use to have issues keeping my pants on
(X) Had someone moon/flash you
( ) Cheated on a test
(X) Forgotten someone’s name - embarrassing moments
(X) Slept naked


At 1:29 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What are wrigglers and can they really go up your doodle?

At 3:55 PM , Blogger SkinFluteSymphony said...

they are little, almost microscopic things that live in water and yes, they can go up your doodle

At 5:43 PM , Blogger LaLa said...

Gross. That is SO gross.

At 5:44 PM , Blogger LaLa said...

I am glad I don't have a doodle.

At 5:44 PM , Blogger LaLa said...

I am glad I don't have a doodle.

At 5:48 PM , Blogger SkinFluteSymphony said...

you should be...although, wrigglers don't only go for doodles!


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