I'm not quite sure when it happened....
But I am sure that whoever runs channel ten one day decided "the hell with paying for quality shows...we'll now redirect ourselves into the famewhore business." No sooner is Big Brother finished/finishing, but we get a show where we follow the love life trials and tribulations of Yasmin, a 'Typical 29 year old woman in this day and age, just looking for that special someone' (loose quote from Adelaide TV guide)...I know I can't wait for that one...and not to mention the greatest parade of 'look at me's' and talentless fools, Australian Idol. Who will win it all this year?? The anticipation is enough to make me wet my pants.I think that there is a place for 'reality' shows, or more accurately 'cheap productions which don't utilise actual performers', and as with all things, inmoderation, they are worthwhile. However, just a quick recap makes me think that Channel 10 this year alone has had Australian Biggest Loser (a decent concept which would be better if the whole concept of them competeing for money and getting all tactical wasn't a aprt of it), BB (crap), Idle (more crap) and "Tapping into the ever growing number of near 30 something women who have followed a career instead of finding a man and settling down and spitting out kids...in other words, contributing to society and not being financial burdens to the rest of us" (this is Yasmins new name). Surely they could fill this time with actual shows...like Everybody Loves Raymond or more Simpsons.....
I may now be starting to sound like my Dad, but if not for the ABC and SBS, I may well be forced to use the TV as a boat anchor...if I had a boat.
M y friend actually knows Yasmin. Which is terrifying. She is annoying me already and I want to slap her. Of course being the reality tv whore that I am, I will no doubt watch every episode
I was at the train station yesterday (Adelaide) and contemplating do I go to uni for a lecture or do I go to the casino and see how quick I can lose the $50 in my pocket, when I looked up and I kid you not, there were at least 10 banners, 15 foot long by 3 feet high, hanging from the ceiling with Yasmins grinning face on there, urging us all to get on board the magical ride to find her a mate...
I must admnit, I will probably also watch at least a weeks worth...purely so I can then say how bad it is.
Oh yes. Lets.
OR... why don't we go to the casino with my $50 as well and we can drink mojitos and watch Yasmin?
Sounds like a plan...I like your style
I'm scared.
Well you should be I am Man, you have been drinking with me.
AHA! I am going to be in the live studio audience for Yasmin on Friday night! Woohoo!
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