Saturday, August 26, 2006


1. I am one of those people who is really good at reassuring others, even though I really have no idea what I am on about. Example, exam type thing yesterday. Everyone I spoke to was kind of unsure about it and kind of worried. I had a relatively good grasp of it, but it was a bit shaky. Therefore I spent the best part of yesterday morning explaining things to others. They all got through ok and were stoked at the end. As for me, I mentally blanked briefly until I sorted myself out in the last 15 minutes.

How does this happen? Is it purely cause I am older than most people I see each day
?? Am I seen as wise??? I feel about 60 sometimes.

2. Jealousy and lack of trust are far from sound relationship practices. Example, currently in one of my subjects, we are doing anthropometry which is measuring body fat skinfolds and various body girths. The only way to do any of this is for the subjects (in this case, the whole class) to be wearing minimal clothing. Therefore obviously, the girls will wear sports bra's or tank tops and the guys will go either topless or wear tank tops or what not. For some reason, the gf made an issue of this last night, figuring that I was only doing it to perve on young chicks in their sports bras...yet she has no issue with me taking the dog (the ultiamte chick magnet mind you!) to the beach all through summer regardless of how many bikini clad girls are around. Surely that is much more of an environment where things would happen, rather than the clinical atmosphere of a physiology lab??

3. Why have a $45,000 4wd that you will primarily drive around the suburbs and you don't even have a gravel driveway. A mate of mine (married, new baby) and his wife have traded in their commodore wagon ( which his wife use to complain about being too big) for a Jeep Cherokee. My first response was that she will love it in a few years when she pulls up to the truck stop aka school drop off zone and dumps the kids off for the day.
People are allowed to choose, I guess, but this just struck me as being completely socially irresponsible (due to emissions and fuel use of a V6 4wd) me weird, but for what they would be using it for, why not go for something that would be cheaper to run and give off less emissions?? Note, he also has a company car, which is a V8 Commodore, which yhe doesn't pay for the fuel on.

That is all for now


At 11:34 AM , Blogger LaLa said...

But you ARE wise, well I think so anyway and what I think is always correct (except for that wee thing about Brian May) Perhaps you are missing your real vocation, perhaps you should be a counsellor?

At 12:42 PM , Blogger SkinFluteSymphony said...

I would actually like to work with kids from screwed up backgrounds (which is something I may be able to dabble in eventually resulting from this degree), cause they need the help...

At 1:43 PM , Blogger LaLa said...

Perhaps you could do a thesis on K-Fed and work out what in his upbringing caused him to go so, so bad?

But seriously, you would be very good at it.

At 1:53 PM , Blogger SkinFluteSymphony said...

K-fed would be easy...firstly, the beds in caravans are never quite up to scratch, therefore he never had a decent nights sleep for years. Coupled with a poor diet, as his mother never had time to cook between shifts at the 'massage parlour', this resulted in a low attention span and hence poor results at school.

This is just scratching the surface.

At 5:41 PM , Blogger LaLa said...

You could become the next host on "Honey, We're Killing The Kids" Yeps. I would defo watch if you were on, for one thing I don't think you would be as condescending at that witch on there, though she knows her shit.

BTW - If I was you g/f I would be less concerned with the scantily clad chicks around you and more concerned you were going to measure body fat fold and girth things.

At 5:54 PM , Blogger SkinFluteSymphony said...

I would rock on that show!
Me: Welcome Dave, Cheryl...lets have a look at what porkers your kids will be at 40...if they get that Murderers.

I reckon if I ever bought the calipers home, she would be gone...hmmmm sounds like a plan!

Thats bad, she isn't all that bad,just has a lot of issues...I hope she never reads this...


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