Saturday, October 28, 2006

Some more ramblings...


1. It would seem that although I know I have a shitload of work to do for uni, I have decided to take the road less travelled and not even look at it. I am sure it will get done somehow, am currently waiting for someone to get back to me with a copy of their own work, which I will alter just enough so as to avoid the plagiarism police...

This is pretty much typical from me I must say...I guess I have always figured I would get by on the minimal effort. This goes back to my younger years when I realised in year 9 that I could just as easily get A's and B's by doing things half arsed and having fun, as I could by spending more time on it and getting only marginally better grades. By year 12, I had it down to an art form. Since then, I have found that this theory can follow through to everyday life also...

for instance, at work, I was told a couple of years ago that if I did a particular course, offered online for free by the company, I could expect to gain a small pay increase, as well as increase my chances of promotion and the like...I looked at it once and figured that it would smack of effort to do this course, and that was something I wasn't interested in doing...

seems that I am doomed to make the same mistakes again and again.

2. Got a whole bunch of Paul McCartney jokes today, some are pretty much brilliant...I think this one is my favourite:

Many have attributed this to a problem which started with the present
that Paul bought her prior to the wedding. He gave her a new
prosthetic leg for Christmas but that was just a stocking-filler.

Tis the season after all.

3. Am working today with two other people, one is an effeminate gay guy and the other is a blue haired lesbian...I've known both of them for years and they are good thinking this would make for a great sitcom however..."One Gay, a Guy and a blue haired Dyke and a helpdesk" or something like that...needless to say, the conversations today have been varied and interesting and old Blue hair can belch with the best of them


At 3:31 PM , Blogger LaLa said...

Ha! You are the token breeder!

At 3:45 PM , Blogger SkinFluteSymphony said...

I am the token breeder, and I refuse to breed! Imagine if me and these two were the last on earth?? Existence would end...

At 4:25 PM , Blogger LaLa said...

You might catch the gay!

At 4:41 PM , Blogger SkinFluteSymphony said...

I am nowhere near good enough of a dresser...although I may turn lesbian

At 4:51 PM , Blogger LaLa said...

Good idea. You will double your chances.

At 5:04 PM , Blogger SkinFluteSymphony said...

a foolproof plan!


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