Sunday, July 30, 2006

Shane Warne...cricketing genius or sex crazed lunatic?

Or both??

It's fair to say that for a large number of Aussie kids (mainly boys), pulling on the baggy green and playing cricket for Australia is a lifelong dream.

For an equally large number of Aussie kids (slightly older, and once again, mainly boys), the idea of bedding a 1000 women is a lifelong dream.

Is it possible that Australias greatest cricketer (of my lifetime definitely) is also Australia's greatest pantsman??

Is it also posisble that this behaviour has gone on for years, only now we have the all seeing, all telling media to report on the big issues so we all hear about it?

Is it also possible that a vast majority of cricket fans couldn't care less about his nocturnal gymnastics, while a vast majority of Women's Day readers could give a hoot about his latest variation of the flipper??

And lastly, is it possible, that if the latest allegations (new book claiming Warne has slept with 1000 women) are true, that his ex wife, who it seems is chiselling out a name of her own somewhat, is only in this position for being, quite possibly, Australias most naive doormat??


At 11:45 AM , Blogger LaLa said...

They both irritate me, I can't stand cricket for a start and then that big, fat walrus goes around shagging stupid women and Simone just seems so... insipid? Simpering? grrr....

At 11:49 AM , Blogger SkinFluteSymphony said...

You really not a fan huh?!

At 2:23 PM , Blogger I Am Man I Am You. said...

I think find her more repulsive than him. Her current grab for fame is just gross. Warne's a pig, but he IS a professional sportsman, so you know, what did we all expect? The dichotomy is of course, that he, whether he likes it or not, is a role model for a lot of young Aussies. I dunno. Maybe there should be an IQ test done on all pro sport players-anyone under a certain percentile is automatically deemed unworthy of role model status. The public is subsequently informed of the result. So when they get picked for Australia, the press conference runs thusly;'ladies and gentleman, this is Shane Warne. One of the most amazing bowlers you'll ever see. He's not too bright though, so he wont ever be allowed to speak to you, and we'll only let him outdoors to play cricket.'.

At 6:10 PM , Blogger SkinFluteSymphony said...

you may have an idea there...I am sure most sports administrators would agree


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