Now this is kind of funny...
Back in 94, I was kind of seeing this girl, I say kind of because she was pretty much what the kids these days would name a 'booty call' to me. I was 18 and doing as most 18 year olds do, while she was 20 and a single mother of a 4 year old (more evidence of my trashy attraction I seem to have). The father of her daughter was in the big house for beating her up (I couldn't make this shit up...seriously) but he had friends who were keeping an eye on her and were suppose to 'deal with' anyone that went around there. Regardless, I use to go around a couple of times a week with no real concern.This went on for about 3 months, but all ended when I was there one saturday night and this song came on TV. She then decided that it was our song. I sort of smiled that polite type of smile you give when your grandmother tells you she has cooked you a nice ox tongue stew (this is a face I have pulled a few grandmother was/is slightly wrong) and went along. Later as I left, I knew that I would probably not go around there again.
The song is below...a couple of things to note.
1. The second long haired male actor (the artist type guy) was Malik's room mate in Higher Learning, till he moved out to live with Ice Cube and Busta Rhymes.
2. When I was younger, the curly haired girl was hotter to me than the dark haired. After not seeing the clip for years, I now reverse that opinion.
3. The long haired blonde guy has some serious acting skills. His portrays a full gamut of emotions...from confusion to unsuredness.
4. Yes, in the mid 90's I had hair just like this.
I can't really wacth You Tube clips at work because I get emails that smack me on thw rist about the amount of bandwidth I am using up, I watched the first 10 seconds (technically inept, probvably downloaded thew whole freaking thing anyway) BUT is this the clip with the chick with the green negligee on? And Santa hats?
GAH. The typos. Sorry, been at the pub for lunch.
Sortof like Santa hats...they are at some club with people on swings over head and they do have hats on...more like Dr Suess 'Cat in the Hat' type hats though
Typos smypos, I am sober and I have to edit everything I type...
Hahahahah. I cannot stop laughing. I had to get a notepad (how 90's is that? PAPER) out to make notes it was so funny.
Don't forget that chick with the curly hairs is Keri Russell, she of "Felicity" fame.... and I wanted hair JUST LIKE HER.
Foam parties... and it kind of looks like they are all off chops.
As for the quality acting, what about the look on main guys face at approximately 2:10. is that supposed to be lust? I am not sure. Either that or he has wind. And there is some further simmering, sultry glances from artist man at around 3:29.
As for the chair straddling and men's hat, what a cliche. I have NEVER done that in my life (this could be why I am single, because I refuse to act all Christine Keeler like)
Also, did you notice the proliferation of high waisted pant in this clip. Keri's are about to eat her head. Brunette girl also sports some lovely chunky black shoes, of which I owned a very similar pair, I broke the strap one night when I went running to dance to C'mon Eileen and accidentally dragged a whole chair with me.
Cheers for the laugh.
you have gone the extra mile there...note taking and a timeline of incidents!
I think you will find that blonde guys sultry/reflective/happy/sad/moderately amused/post orgasmic faces are all pretty much the same...he plays his cards close to his chest that boy.
Good pick up on the 'Felicity' girl...your knowledge of bad 90's TV is beyond reproach.
And chair straddling while wearing a mans hat is uber ho0t...seriously, not corny or cliche at all. get on it!
Also, how exactly does brown haired,chunky shoes girl go from crying the street to figuring nuding up for a portrait to be painted by a guy with an almost expressionless face (botox??) is a good idea...does she have no female friends or was Keri the only one??
Sadly, I just watched that again and to say tears of laugheter were streaming at the end where blonde guy trashes the artist guys apartment would be an understatement. Note however, he didn't change expression again. Seriously, man of stone
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