Sunday, July 30, 2006

Wow...just wow,23599,19960267-2,00.html

"QUEENSLAND AFL star Jason Akermanis may be headed for a future in state politics, after Premier Peter Beattie said today he wants Akermanis to pursue a career in state politics."

I can honestly say that this is the first time in a long time I have not regretted moving back to Adelaide from Qld.

What would make either party feel that Akermanis would be a good politician?? He isn't exactly an eloquent speaker, I would question his education/knowledge base of general issues (issues not concerning him or the AFL) and moreso, his popularity. As AFL ratings in Qld have dropped the last couple of years (post premiership bandwagon jumpers fell off!), would have to wonder if Mr Beattie isn't taking a bit fo a punt here. Does this mean the Qld opposition will get Wally Lewis, Arthur Beetson or Darren Lockyer on side now??

The last word on this needs to go to Akermanis himself...

"Akermanis said he was interested in a political future.
"I know a bit about politics. I have seen how politics can ruin a football club," he told the Sunday Mail"

yes...this is the world we live in

In my next life, I want to be a hot female...,23599,19951319-2,00.html

Before I start let me say that so far, Jennifer Hawkins has done nothing completely abhorrent to society in general and although she is a bit of a black hole of charisma on the Great Outdoors (not only does she lack charisma herself, but she manages to suck the charisma from those around her), she isn't the worst TV presenter ever by a long way. She seems like a nice enough girl and good luck to her....


If Jennifer was a few inches shorter, a few kgs heavier and perhaps had a less than perfect complexion, but was lets say, a Doctor working to find cures for cancer, or finding ways to enhance crop development in arid lands, therefore helping solve the third world hunger issue, would she be worth anywhere near as much as she is by parading frocks and having the horrible job of checking out holiday locations??

I know that in life we have to go with the gifts that our parents gave us genetically and all, but is it not kind of strange that as a society we seem to value a woman who, although seemingly perfectly nice, is really not doing much other than provide eye candy, compared to others that are trying to ultimately improve the lives of many?

That said, at least Ms Hawkins (that was almost like I was a real journalist then) is working somewhat for her would be easy for her to sit back and do not much...yes, she could be another victim of 'prettygirlitis'....

Prettygirlitis is the syndrome that seems to afflict many very attractive women where as a result of always being told how beautiful they are and having males fawn over them since they were old enough to be fawned over, they develop the cunning side of the female brain (males don't have this!) and learn to milk the genorosity (or stupidity) of every male they come in contact with throughout their lives, never having to do very much but living very well. As I am neither genorous or stupid, I only go for not so attractive (sometimes downright ugly) females.

Shane Warne...cricketing genius or sex crazed lunatic?

Or both??

It's fair to say that for a large number of Aussie kids (mainly boys), pulling on the baggy green and playing cricket for Australia is a lifelong dream.

For an equally large number of Aussie kids (slightly older, and once again, mainly boys), the idea of bedding a 1000 women is a lifelong dream.

Is it possible that Australias greatest cricketer (of my lifetime definitely) is also Australia's greatest pantsman??

Is it also posisble that this behaviour has gone on for years, only now we have the all seeing, all telling media to report on the big issues so we all hear about it?

Is it also possible that a vast majority of cricket fans couldn't care less about his nocturnal gymnastics, while a vast majority of Women's Day readers could give a hoot about his latest variation of the flipper??

And lastly, is it possible, that if the latest allegations (new book claiming Warne has slept with 1000 women) are true, that his ex wife, who it seems is chiselling out a name of her own somewhat, is only in this position for being, quite possibly, Australias most naive doormat??

Thursday, July 27, 2006

I'm not quite sure when it happened....

But I am sure that whoever runs channel ten one day decided "the hell with paying for quality shows...we'll now redirect ourselves into the famewhore business." No sooner is Big Brother finished/finishing, but we get a show where we follow the love life trials and tribulations of Yasmin, a 'Typical 29 year old woman in this day and age, just looking for that special someone' (loose quote from Adelaide TV guide)...I know I can't wait for that one...and not to mention the greatest parade of 'look at me's' and talentless fools, Australian Idol. Who will win it all this year?? The anticipation is enough to make me wet my pants.

I think that there is a place for 'reality' shows, or more accurately 'cheap productions which don't utilise actual performers', and as with all things, inmoderation, they are worthwhile. However, just a quick recap makes me think that Channel 10 this year alone has had Australian Biggest Loser (a decent concept which would be better if the whole concept of them competeing for money and getting all tactical wasn't a aprt of it), BB (crap), Idle (more crap) and "Tapping into the ever growing number of near 30 something women who have followed a career instead of finding a man and settling down and spitting out other words, contributing to society and not being financial burdens to the rest of us" (this is Yasmins new name). Surely they could fill this time with actual Everybody Loves Raymond or more Simpsons.....

I may now be starting to sound like my Dad, but if not for the ABC and SBS, I may well be forced to use the TV as a boat anchor...if I had a boat.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Back to School today

Today was the first day of second semester, or study period 5 as it is now known as. My day so far has consisted of 3 hours of a fine subject called "Dance as Education and Recreation." Now this is pretty standard fare really for PE teaching (which is one avenue I am hoping to follow from all this), however the good Lord chose not to bless me with rhythm, co ordination below the knees or the follhardiness to believe I can actually dance, therefore this subject is shaping to be a major issue for me. Thankfully, our actual ability has no bearing on our end grade so the fact I can hardly put one foot in front of the other is irrelevant as long as I can present in front of the class (no issue there) and write a decent essay.

What this has done is given me a minor case of the 'What the hell am I doing my life" itis. My solution at present is to just let it roll and play it as it comes.

Added to this, yesterday was the last day at work for one of the better guys in the place, he's off to Europe for a year or so, no real timetable or plan other than being in Amsterdam through September to meet up with another ex work colleague. I can honestly say now that I no longer work with anyone who sees the funny side of me telling them how much I wish we could share a cell in a Turkish Prison with...sad days

Saturday, July 22, 2006

These things I know....

1. It would appear that us humans are social beings and as such function best when we partake in social interraction on a regular basis. I know this cause as I so wisely decided to study during the week and work weekends, my social life has gone the way of the dodo. As a result, I now seem to have contracted social phobias and and a severe aversion to crowds.
During the week, me and the lucky lady who has had the privilege of my company (heavy sarcasm here) for the last nearly 7 years went out with a couple of friends (of hers. I don't have any). All was well until 30 minutes into the evening, I realised I have nothing to say to people anymore. Fact is, it is kind of embarrasing, especially when I look at it that I am 30, I hang around with kids 10 years younger than me during the week, and computer nerds on the weekends (I work for an IT company) while strapped to my desk for 12 hours a day. After having a minor panic attack, I started to kick myself for many and various life decisions that lead me to this point.

2. When you get to a certain age, there becomes two groups of people...those who have kids and those who do not, and it would seem that the two groups should not mix.
A mate of mine, who I have known since year 9 at school (when he was the new kid and I saved him from getting beat up by some of the tough kids), his wife recently had a baby. Now unlike a lot of people, I don't get overly excited by this. To me all babies look the same and you don't get any sense out of them till they are older anyways (like 23). However I did do the right thing and went around a few days after mother and child came home...the missus had even bought something for it. Since then (around 2 months ago), I haven't seen the guy or heard from him. I've texted a couple of times but they seem to be now associating with other friends who also have kids...they have moved into a different circle it seems where the price of membership is a few kilos of crying flesh.
This wouldn't bother me too much, if I actually had any normal friends...but as mentioned in point one, I chose to disassociate myself from society.

3. It is far more important what you like, rather what you are like.
I've been with the same girl now for almost 7 years, which I guess is pretty fair going. However, I should also add that we have never been much alike and always had minimal in common. This use to be refreshing, now it is just hard work. The glares of contempt we share over breakfast tell me that it is just a matter of time till we are splitting assets and our dog is part of a broken home.

Good times

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Why Japanese people make me smile...

A place where a 380 pound ex NFL player can become a kickboxer/mixed martial arts fighter/pro wrestler and have a #1 single and become a cult icon, is alright by me.

Arigato gozaimasu!!

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Today kids, we are cooking scrambled eggs and sweet chilli sauce.

As reminded by a good friend of mine, who can be found here ------>

I can claim one grand invention in my life...and that invention is sweet chilli scrambled eggs. Yes, finally the perfect start, end or middle bit to any day, good for what ales you, puts hair on your chest and makes a real man out of you, sweet chilli scrambled eggs.

What you need is :
6 eggs. 5 is too few, 7 is too many.
A mixing receptical of some sort (I use a tall plastic cup that came with an electric mixer wand thing)
a liberal amount of sweet chilli sauce

Take the eggs. Separate the whites from the yolks in 5 of them, use the white bits, put the yolks through your hair or something. Use the other egg completely. Put the useable bits in the mixing thing. Then pour sweet chilli sauce into the mix, I like to do a 5 second count. you may use less or more, depends on your fondness for the stuff. Mix all this up good and proper.

Then put it in a pan and mix it around, cook it long enough to get some slightly burnt bits on the edges as they are kinda tasty.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Maybe it's just me....

I have many things in life I dislike...some have suggested therapy in the past, others suggest I should drink (use to, made matters worse), but one thing that seems to piss me off more than anything is suburban shopping malls. Granted they provide a service at times of need (see forgotten girlfriends birthday, fuck, best duck down to the local westfield and buy her some crap) and have done a grand service in supplying jobs to those who otherwise don't have the 'intangibles' for employment in the greater work force....but bottom line, they are all much of a muchance.

take my local westfield, marion. I guess around 200 shops, 2 levels, a 30 theatre cinema (like there is ever 30 movies out at one time that warrant having 30 theatres. Independant movies not included obviously, this is a Greater Union). Of this plethora of shopping options, I would estimate that at least 30% of them are womens clothing stores, ranging from Supre (including the 15 year old chicks working there till they can be lucky enough to get knocked up...then they don't have to work...ever again.) to the psuedo upmarket type place with a name that sounds more like a French main course. What gets me is that every time I go there, at least half a dozen of the 'up market' types of store, have changed names, or are now a shoe place (don't start me on that...) or is an empty store with a big sign out front making us aware that a new and exciting store will be here soon...more than likely just like the last one. As if this isn't enough to drive me to mass homicide, my next issue is women with prams.

What the fuck is the story with prams, stroller, pushers these days? Is it not bad enough to see women driving 4WD's big enough to carry a platoon into combat to drop the kids off to school in, we have to see them pushing these monsters around in the mall as well? I swear, one woman today had a pusher that had tyres on it that had dead set bigger knobbly bits on them than a mountain bike and the whole beast was at at least a metre and a half wide. As I was behind this woman in the line at freaken Medicare (another gripe...perhaps another time), I had time to assess the situation. There was this woman, who was all of 5'2", with this beast that looked like it could make it through kakadu, with a solid metre by a metre of 'baby space'...only to have a kid in there that took up not a quarter of this. All that space, tiny little child. Then as she is trying to reverse out of medicare as she finished her business, she gets all shitty at some old fella who didn't realise the convoy was coming through and hadn't moved away instantly. As if he shouldn't have known better...these women own the world, the rest of us are just tenants. I mean, she did carry that child around for 9 months, which played havoc with her social life, then she went through the pain of having a general so her golf addicted obstetrician could slice her up and be on the links by 10..maybe we as a society do owe her something....

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

I don't know if it's necessarily a bad thing...

I mean it is common practice for me and my mates to give each other the odd turkey slap here and there...all in good fun.,10117,19675271-2,00.html

As a side note, hands up if you think that deep down, somewhere very dark in their questionable souls, that the executives at Ten aren't just a little bit pleased with all the attention that this must be getting them??

Any publicity is good publicity and all

The internet is a wonderful thing...

I once had a mate, we were pretty tight for a few years there...

Long story short, we lost contact and I haven't spoken to him in a long time. Now he was always a slightly different cat and lived in a place where not many of us ever go to...anyway, thanks to the marvellous folks at youtube, I've found him...

Monday, July 03, 2006

Mike Tyson...misunderstood genius

I can't add anything to this...

Each to their own and all....

But this is out of fucken hand....

I guess when cousins get married, this sort of shit happens.

And people wonder why wrestling is so popular...

With unintentional comedy like this, it is hard not to like it.

I wonder if George Lucas got royalties for the use of a stormtrooper helmet with glitter paint on it??

Sunday, July 02, 2006

I would have thought any publicity would be good publicity...,10221,19637203-10431,00.html

it would appear that Australian Idle 1 contestant, and high society one time shagger Rob Mills had grown tired of the 'fame' his limited musical ability and 'one night in Paris' had snagged him and fled the country...only to find that wherever he went, people are willing and able to make sure he never forgets what a footnote he is on history.

one word....prat. It never fails to amaze me when another product of the reality treadmill claims that they have no privacy anymore or are sick of being tip famewhore, you go on this type of show and open yourself up for public scrutiny in this way, people will comment. Shag the worlds richest whore, and they will never let you live it down.

My suggestion, move to somewhere without TV, internet, newspapers and womens may well have your privacy then