Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Money well spent???
This concerns me that people are dumb enough to think they need to pay this much money to get this advice...surely by reading the advice parts of Ralph magazine they would have it covered??
Seriously folks, I am no George Clooney, shit I am no George Burns, but I have always been able to do ok with much better looking females than I have any right lookswise to be around because of one thing...I can talk to people. Now I am naturally a shy person, which a lot of folks that know me find hard to believe, but seriously, it has taken a lot of self convincing to get to the stage where talking to anyone now regardless of who they are and what they look like is no longer a big deal. It really isn't any big deal.
What these desperados need to do is get away from playing World of Warcraft online with the Asian kids and speak to flesh and blood people...who knows, it just may work
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Looking to get back into training....
have done a lot of martial arts in my time, but feel like I need something new...something with and edge...I think I have the answer
1. I am one of those people who is really good at reassuring others, even though I really have no idea what I am on about. Example, exam type thing yesterday. Everyone I spoke to was kind of unsure about it and kind of worried. I had a relatively good grasp of it, but it was a bit shaky. Therefore I spent the best part of yesterday morning explaining things to others. They all got through ok and were stoked at the end. As for me, I mentally blanked briefly until I sorted myself out in the last 15 minutes.How does this happen? Is it purely cause I am older than most people I see each day
?? Am I seen as wise??? I feel about 60 sometimes.
2. Jealousy and lack of trust are far from sound relationship practices. Example, currently in one of my subjects, we are doing anthropometry which is measuring body fat skinfolds and various body girths. The only way to do any of this is for the subjects (in this case, the whole class) to be wearing minimal clothing. Therefore obviously, the girls will wear sports bra's or tank tops and the guys will go either topless or wear tank tops or what not. For some reason, the gf made an issue of this last night, figuring that I was only doing it to perve on young chicks in their sports bras...yet she has no issue with me taking the dog (the ultiamte chick magnet mind you!) to the beach all through summer regardless of how many bikini clad girls are around. Surely that is much more of an environment where things would happen, rather than the clinical atmosphere of a physiology lab??
3. Why have a $45,000 4wd that you will primarily drive around the suburbs and you don't even have a gravel driveway. A mate of mine (married, new baby) and his wife have traded in their commodore wagon ( which his wife use to complain about being too big) for a Jeep Cherokee. My first response was that she will love it in a few years when she pulls up to the truck stop aka school drop off zone and dumps the kids off for the day.
People are allowed to choose, I guess, but this just struck me as being completely socially irresponsible (due to emissions and fuel use of a V6 4wd)....call me weird, but for what they would be using it for, why not go for something that would be cheaper to run and give off less emissions?? Note, he also has a company car, which is a V8 Commodore, which yhe doesn't pay for the fuel on.
That is all for now
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Too stimulating???

Apparently, this pic was seen by Japanese officials as being 'too stimulating' to be displayed on a train platform. http://www.news.com.au/entertainment/story/0,23663,20234907-10388,00.html.
This is coming from the country where it is possible apparently to buy used panties from vending machines. Poor old Britney can't take a trick it would seem.
I think the Family Guy movie may well have gotten her future right...can't find a clip of it, but it is her comeback show. She has lost a foot diabetes, but she's still sexy yall
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
It saddens me to report...
While reading over someone on the trains shoulder this morning, I read in NW (a reliable source if ever there was one), that Australias favourite couple, BB06's Jamie and Katie, may well have split already.Now, granted, together they may not have had enough brain power to blow out a candle, but the tear jerking moments they provided us through the series will never be forgotten...Jamies' arse hanging out of his pants, Katies' jealousy, Jamies' indecisiveness, Katies' high moral values...this is deeply saddening news.
Not only is this bad news for fans of the show, but channel 10 execs must be scratching their heads and looking for what to do next.
After the sad debacle that was Yasmins getting married, they probably had 12 episodes of an Australian version of the Jessica Simpson/Nick Lachey classic 'Newlyweds' lined up for J and K...looks like that may be put on the junk pile also.
Bright side is further Futurama and Simpsons reruns.
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Who would have thought a ridiculous three lined poem could amuse me for so long!?
Thanks to LaLa and the magic of Haiku, my 12 hours at work are more or less done...thanks for helping me through again!A big week ahead for me now...have a mid semester exam/quiz/test type thing for exercise physiology II on friday, along with a presentation on Arid environments for outdoor ed on tuesday...guess I could have spent today studying...
but haiku kind of took over....
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Today is a great day!
I have found this fusion of two of my favourite TV shows of all time. Seinfeld and Oz. Now seinfeld is pretty well known, but in Australia, it is a fair chance you may have never seen Oz. It wa son SBS for a while on Monday nights at 10, a timeslot also shared by Queer as Folk at a different time. Oz is a prison based drama, like Prisoner, but with more violence and sodomy. There was also the various groups that evolve in prison, like the Aryans, the blacks, the mexicans etc etc.Anyway, this vid is pure gold...although I guess a lot of folks probably won't agree
Wow...new version of Hamlet, starring the Governor of California...
thats right, Arnold has decided the time is right to appear in another movie, casting aside his gubernatorial responisbilities, he is in this new version of Hamlet.I must say, with some excellent additions!
Housemates...it takes all breeds.
From a some comments on my previous posts today, it got me thinking about the grand variety of house mates I have had over the years. I didn't have a huge amount of time in share houses, but on reflection had a great variety of housemates each with their own special attributes.First time I lived away from the folks was when they moved to Victoria for a while and two of my mates moved in. One didn't last long as he had a knee reconstruction and although he did try and stay with us, the lack of attention we gave him, coupled with my adjusting the height of one of his crutches and the ensuing hilarity when he collapsed in a heap in pain was the last straw. However me and the remaining survivor had a grand six months till my folks moved back in. My then girlfriend use to be around a few nights a week also (a growing boy had needs after all) and all in all, we had a great time. A couple of great parties and plenty of late nights drinking cheap beer (anyone else ever get Duff??) and watching Pulp Fiction.
Then my folks came back and ruined it all. I shortly after realised I couldn;t live with them no more so I joined the Army. I then lived on a base for a while, followed by living with a girl (ex fiance actually) for a year or so, till we split and I moved in with 3 other guys from my platoon. One was the aforementioned porn addict, one was a country kid who had no friends, life or personality and one was Vic, who I eventually moved in with again in Toowoomba. That house was a barrel of laughs and gave us all plenty of bleary memories, although toward the end, the wheels fell off a bit and we ended up going our own ways a bit.
One thing of note was when country kid had his younger sister come over for a week and he sat us all down and explained what a nice girl she was and that us perverts were to leave her alone. Good as gold we all said. it wasn't till the next year I was in bali and I met a few guys from their town. When I mentioned his name they all said he was a tool, but his younger sister was one of the biggest slappers in Inverell...felt somewhat cheated to be honest.
Toowoomba was meritorious for a few reasons. One was meeting JT (although he was introduced to me as Abdul, which seemed strange to me as he didnt look pakistani or anything) who is hands down one of the most genuine people I have ever met. Shame I haven't seen him in years. Another thing was living in a house with a verified she devil. One of the first people I ever met who would manipulate every situation to her advantage, fuck the consequences, as long as she was happy, but had a way of not letting people see she was doing it so we all thought she was great. A truly amazing person.
In that house we had 3 guys, 1 girl (although sometimes 3) and 2 dogs. The front door didn't lock and the back door was also stuffed. I mowed the lawn a few times and killed a shit load of weeds, but it made little difference. the place was about 140 years old apparently and has since been knocked down. I must admit that saddens me a bit.
I could probably write a novel on just the 6 or so months I lived in Toowoomba and the things that happened there, but honestly, a lot of the stuff people would not believe. Needless to say when there is a house with too much disposable cash, no jobs and a town with a truckload of pubs (and the RSL for the 2 buck chuck on a monday night), there were minimal boring moments
Hands down my favourite show as a kid...
I had a running battle with my mother over whether I could have mohawk or not...I eventually did one myself a couple of years ago for Xmas...it went down a treat
Best Shore policy...hardly a new phenomenom.
having worked in an IT company for the last 5 years, I am familiar with the best shore policy. In fact there is a fair chance that in the very near future, my job may well be being filled by an Indian or Malaysian as they can do the job cheaper and more than likely, more diligently. Understandably, a lot of people are concerned about it and it isn't really doing a lot for race relations in my office as the idea of the 'curry munchers' taking peoples jobs is hardly palatable.Needless to say, when I voiced the opinion that such ideas as out sourcing and best shore are old time work practices and proven to be successful, I was somewhat shouted down...and indeed had things thrown at me...tyres deflated etc.
But seriously, when England sent convicts to Australia, this was a version of the best shore policy. They didn't want bread thieves and rapists in the old Country anymore, they were costing too much and the prisons were too full...therefore, shaft them off to Australia.
An example of out sourcing from the old times is that of the Africans being shipped to the US and South America (primarily Brazil) as slaves. The cotton farmers didn't want to do their own picking anymore, so why not bring in some ebony specimens to do hard yards...of course the payment and fair treatment bit was missed out there, but it was a work in progress.
So sadly, best shore, out sourcing, expected customer contacts, average speed of answer and quality control are expressions that are here to stay
How long can someone hold a grudge for???
Seriously...Yesterday afternoon, me and a mate I have known since 1989 were at our local shops (I now live in the same area I was bought up in, although I lived away from there for 8 years.) getting some food and what not when one of the retarded trolley collectors almost ran into me with a freight train of trolleys in hand and a scowl on his face. I looked at him, expecting an apology or at least an excuse me, however all I got was a "Watch yourself dickhead." I was shocked at first, then saw the humour in it all and laughed. My mate was in tears at all of this. he then asks me if I recognised the bloke. I looked at him, with his receding hairline, expanding waist line and face that looked like life had really taken its toll on him, and answered in the negative. Most people I know are much better looking. He went on to tell me that i should remember as I gave him a good towelling up at the Yates Xmas bash of 1996.
When he said that I vaguely remembered the guy (was a much different person back then I blame the Army mentality, coupled with nature) and laughed some more. Seriously, almost ten years later, he tried to get vengeance by running me down with a trolley (I know it was vengeance as mymate went on to say how he had seen the guy around the cricket club a few times over the years and everytime, he had mentioned me and that 'one day he would get that mother fucker'.). This did kind of make me think that back in the day, I had my share of 'altercations', perhaps there is a band of troubled 30something males who have pictures of me with crosshairs drawn on them...are they all doing high profile jobs now such as trolley pushers?? Do they have meetings???
Seriously, I may never leave my house again...this is doing my head in...
In the fine tradition of Child stars everywhere...
the newest entry into the pantheon of Child stars gone wrong..Hayley Joel Osment
I give it 2 years until he gets done for armed robbery at a liquor store
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Midweek ramblings...
As I got up this morning, I was reminded that me and the lucky girl who lives with me are having an almost epic battle of wills over who is going to do the dishes. I had to rinse out a glass so I could have my morining carrot, apple and ginger juice and it is starting to resemble one of those houses they show on Today Tonight where bad tenants leave a mess and don't pay their rent.You see, I haven't been home much this week except for night times, and she had monday and tuesday off, therefore, by default, she should be doing them...however, it has yet to be done, meaning I will no doubt fold and do them as even though I do try, I can't handle mess like that.
The social committee at uni is having a pub crawl this saturday night. I'm not going as I am working as usual till 9.30 that night and have an early start the next day also (and I don't bounce back like I use to, plus my 'not been drunk since last November' streak would be in jeopardy), but am doubtful whether I would go anyways. I remember when I was in my late teens/early 20's and being out and seeing an old guy (who was like 30...ancient) trying to hang out with the younger kids and hitting on the girls ten years younger than him...I never wanted to be that guy. If I went out with these kids socially, I would be only setting myself up for a massive bout of depression once self realisation sets in.
Am meant to be meeting up with an old friend today. I went out with her in year 12, we split badly but we bumped into each other in town a couple of years ago and it turns out she lives around the corner. She is married and has a daughter and stuff now...she is very impressed I have a dog. She's good value, but the conversation always ends up turning blue and she seems to think that cause we use to go out in high school, she could convince me to do things with her now. My stock response is 'You are married, with a kid and have no great problems with your home life. Why would you go down this track? Not interested." but I really want to say that as time has rolled past, I have realised that I don't really have any attraction to her that way and although she is a good friend, the thought of doing anything with her makes me physically ill...but I don't.
I guess I am too nice for my own good.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Nothing is ever my fault...
I swear...regardless of how late I get out of bed and how slow I am to get moving in the mornings, it is the clown doing the speed limit in the fast lanes fault that I am running late today.Best this lecturer gets with the Goddam program.
And the fact I am posting this makes me just that couple of minutes later...he will deal with it
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Something I hope I get a chance to do...
Before we as a race manage to kill them all off.Seriously, it is tragic how much damage humans are doing to this planet and the animals that share it with us. The sooner we all change our ways the better.
I just realised something...
My last 5 posts have all been youtube vids...seriously, that is almost cheating as far as blogging goes.Where is the original thought in that? Just plain lazy...
That said, I will no doubt throw a few more up there today...it really is a brilliant site.
On a side point, is it bad manners that last night when my gf was telling me about how her sister had broken up with her boyfriend and her mother was really upset about it, I asked her for the condensed version as it was late and I really didn't care all that much?
It was 12.30 and I was asleep when she got home to tell me all about this. And I had worked 12 hours yesterday and had to work 12 hours today.
I think I was perfectly in my right to do so...however, she didn't seem to agree with me on that one
Lost Fear Factor episode...
if you haven't ever seen this show, which is totally expected as it is a 2am Channel 9 special, it is one of those shows where they get people to do weird stuff for cash.One of Dave Chappelle's alter ego's went on there.
Let the hilarity begin
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Cheap laughs? Politically Incorrect?? Sexist?? Hell yeah!
This some useful tips on how to behave at a strip club...very worthwhile viewing for any curious readers.George W Bush speaks out on Global warming...
at least, Wil Ferrel does a pretty fair impression of it.There was a time where I figured that this must be the coolest thing ever!
Probably the first film clip I really liked...never trusted motorbike racers sinceI really feel like getting filthy drunk right now...
but alas, am at work till 9.30 tonight, then back at 9.30 tomorrow, so hence the chances of me doing anything remotely interesting this weekend are minimal.Fact is, I haven't drunk all year and haven't been drunk since early November last year. I worked Xmas and New Years also, so they were pretty dry also. The bright side of this is I am healthy...the dull side is I am sober all the time therefore my perception of the world has become much darker.
I actually could have done with a few yesterday am (friday) as I had an exercise physiology prac from 10-12. the topic of this prac was anthropometry, which is basically body measuirng, weighing, pinching, palpating and squeezing. In other words, embarrassing.
Even though I do train a lot and am probably more active than a lot of 30 year olds, I am incredibly self conscious about my body. I don't ever go into public shirtless or wear anything sleeveless. All my t shirts are at least a size too big as I hate wearing anything tight like that (looks dumb and just screams out 'look at me'). Deep down, I am pretty shy, which most people don't see, but I have worked pretty well to be able to bullshit and bluster my way past it most the time.
So yesterday when we had to go shirtless for this stuff, I was hating it. I was working with two other guys, who were skinny little guys, so finding the essential 'boney landmarks' was pretty easy on them. On myself however, finding the superior aspect of the most lateral point of the acromium process (little bit of bone at top of shoulder), the other guys had a few issues. This went on and the lecturer actually used me as an example of a hard person to use for this due to development around my upper back and shoulders. As he is saying this, I was squirming around like a little kid who really needed to wee.
Worst part was when we did flexed arm girth. I was the dummy for this also and had to be done in front of the class and yep, I hated it. Just cause no-one else lifts or has been lucky genetically, I end up feeling like a circus freak (and I swear i am not that big).
When I tell people this they generally think I am talking shit, but I swear, whereas a lot of guys who lift a lot drop their shirts at the first opportunity, I would just as soon wear long sleeves all year round. When I was playing a lot of rugby, it didn't matter, everyone was big. Now it seems like I standout a bit more than usual, and No sir, I don't like it.
The obvious answer would be to stop lifting and just do cardio stuff, but honestly, I don't think I can. It is a bit of an addiction and the endorphin rush from it is pretty full on, it is a viscious cycle
Thursday, August 10, 2006
People really do amaze me...
Before I really start on this rant, I should explain a few things about the geography of Adelaide.If you have never been here and only ever seen things on TV about it, you would assume that it is all leafy streets, churches, friendly people,some nifty coastline and wineries. Well that is true in parts. Apart from the wineries (which are either a couple of hours north of the city or an hour south), ther actual city isn't a bad looking place. I mean there is seriously bugger all going on here, particularly now it is footy season as it seems if you don't follow the AFL religiously, you are pretty much an outcast (of which it would appear I am one.), and there is a massive inferiority complex going on here, but other than that, most people in the eastern and western coastal suburbs seem to be pretty happy with there lot.
However, go about 30 minutes north and south of the city and you get what I like to call the bookends. Elizabeth/Salisbury in the north and Morphett Vale/Christies Beach/Noarlunga in the south are pretty much Adelaides answer to Blacktown, Mt Druitt and any other dodgy ass suburb where flannelette is king and spray on black jeans are tops.
Now, to the point of this. I live about 15 minutes from the southern bookend, and have occasion to go the shopping centre there for whatever reason from time to time. Today was one of those times. The place is called Colonnades and is the type of place where you want to have 2 steering wheel locks. One for the car, and one to carry around inside. True story, I know a guy that was onced chased and bashed by a group of other kids cause they wanted his turn on the display Nintendo in the Myers that use to be there. It use to have a pub there that it was said if you went to with a knife, you would be under prepared. It is pretty shitty.
Where I live isn't so bad, pretty much typical of a newish development where a whole whack of people figured they would build houses and apart froma few exceptions, it isn't too bad.
Anyhow today I go to Colonnades to trade some X box games I haven't played in a while at the games shop there. I swear I was in the centre for no more than 15 minutes total. Now I had come straight from the gym so I just had on a daggy jumper, old boardies and a cap, hardly dressed up and very much not standing out. I counted 12 dirty glances from guys ranging from skinny punk kid with rats tail to large heavily tattooed guy with shaved head and 4 looks from chicks ranging from girl for hire with substance abuse problem to mother with 4 kids under 5 (I admit, i did have to hold myself back a couple of times there). I still am not sure why this occured. Does this happen just to me? Do I walk around with a look of disdain and disgust on my face?? I know I shaved yesterday...was this an issue? Was my deodorant snmell foreign in these parts? I don't get it.
It is kind of frustrating though as this isn't the only time it has happened to me in my life. It seems that if I go out, it tends to happen also. I always figured I was a freindly enough looking chap and pretty unassuming...perhaps not.
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Now this is kind of funny...
Back in 94, I was kind of seeing this girl, I say kind of because she was pretty much what the kids these days would name a 'booty call' to me. I was 18 and doing as most 18 year olds do, while she was 20 and a single mother of a 4 year old (more evidence of my trashy attraction I seem to have). The father of her daughter was in the big house for beating her up (I couldn't make this shit up...seriously) but he had friends who were keeping an eye on her and were suppose to 'deal with' anyone that went around there. Regardless, I use to go around a couple of times a week with no real concern.This went on for about 3 months, but all ended when I was there one saturday night and this song came on TV. She then decided that it was our song. I sort of smiled that polite type of smile you give when your grandmother tells you she has cooked you a nice ox tongue stew (this is a face I have pulled a few times...my grandmother was/is slightly wrong) and went along. Later as I left, I knew that I would probably not go around there again.
The song is below...a couple of things to note.
1. The second long haired male actor (the artist type guy) was Malik's room mate in Higher Learning, till he moved out to live with Ice Cube and Busta Rhymes.
2. When I was younger, the curly haired girl was hotter to me than the dark haired. After not seeing the clip for years, I now reverse that opinion.
3. The long haired blonde guy has some serious acting skills. His portrays a full gamut of emotions...from confusion to unsuredness.
4. Yes, in the mid 90's I had hair just like this.
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Strange place I find myself in...
I am the first to admit I have an addiction to going to the gym. In the last 12 years, I wouldn't have had more than a month off at a time from going and I would probably be there 4-5 times a week. I do love it and it is the one activity I still do that keeps me relatively even keeled. However...I find a large number of people that go to my current gym to be total arse clowns. There is an element at my current gym that I like to call the watermelon carriers...as in walk around like carrying watermelons under each arm. Guys that seem to look into a mirror and see something that no one else sees...ie that they are huge and look awesome. There are a handful of truly big dudes at this gym and they are on the whole pretty good guys. They go to the gym, they train hard and they go home and eat, do drugs and beat small animals, but each to their own. The ones I really don't like typically are shorter than average and really not much bigger than average. Standard wear seems to be a t shirt stolen from your little brother, or perhaps sister, coupled with a bandana (seriously, a bandana). They grunt while lifting relatively nothing and make as big of a scene as possible, then some of them even get the shirts off after they have trained and go pose in the aerobics room mirrors for 20 minutes. I once commented that it looked like a world vision commercial in there...that didn't go over very well.
Needless to say, these people shit me to tears and make me want to open my own gym with a no dickheads policy...sadly, it would go out of business very quickly as my standards may well be too high.
This is my boy.

He is 2 in November. Good kid, although can be pretty noisy sometimes.
This is him with his first bone
And the first time the dog cleaner guy came and gave him a bath
To quote Bob Geldof, I don't like mondays...
and it isn't even like I have to go work or anything...no it is far worse than that...Mondays is the day that I get to drive across the other side of town (admittedly not that far, this is Adelaide) and go to 'Dance as Education and Recreation' or as I like to call it 'I can't believe I am paying to have this on a transcript'. 3 hours of pointing toes, going in 3 ways at once and then once you have mastered that, bring the arms into it kids! Oh yes...it is grand. Of course the prac teacher for it is an early 20's girl who looks pre teen and can bend herself in highly un natural (although admittedly somewhat intriguing) ways whose first steps were followed by an arabesque and pirouette. Put simply, I was not designed by God to be a dancer...males who are 6'1", weigh around 114 kg should not be expected to bounce around on their toes and be graceful. I don't ask dancing queen if she can come to the gym and do a heavy set or 4 of bench now do i? No, I do not. Not to say I am a statue, I can move alright, in a straight line...otherwise, forget about it.
Of course after the 3 hour debacle, I get to go back into town for a lecture (that the lecturer actually marks a roll at!) between 5.30 and 6.30 on principles of teaching and coaching. Should be called principles of common sense and general knowledge, however if I am to do badly in a subject this semester, it will be this one...I struggle to get motivated for this type of thing cause I start to question why I am there...never a good move.
Thankfully tuesdays are way more in line with how uni is meant to be. A 2 hour tutorial and then home time...much more agreeable
Sunday, August 06, 2006
When I grow up, I want to be like these guys...
When I was in year 10 and had a fantastic late 80's mullet flowing, I had dreams of one day taking Mike Mars' place (he always looked closest to death) in Motley Crue...This is my secret shame
Weird dream last night...think someone is trying to tell me something
The dream starts and I am strapped to some sort of wooden frame type thing and there is this dude walking around the room. The room is pretty dark and the blinds are down, but there are cracks of sunlight coming in the sides so I know it must be daytime.I try to say something, but nothing comes out. Think I am gagged or something. Then this guy turns around and says "Ah, thank you for joining me." He then pulls out this large metal cattle prod type thing and says "I've been watching you for a long time and I know all that you have done. Now you pay." After that he starts zapping me with this cattle prod type thing, which was making me convulse somewhat. While doing this he is screaming at me all these bad things I have done in my life (some were made up, some were actually bang on true). After a while, my convulsing had made the bindings around my ankles and wrists loosen enough so that I could get out. When his back was turned for a second, I made my move. I kicked him in the back, over the couch and legged it out the door.
When I got outside, I recognised I was at James Cook Uni in Townsville, in one of the colleges there (use to go out with a girl that lived in one, kind of makes sense why I would be getting the treatment there!). I ran down this grassy hill type thing till I saw someone who I kind of knew, who turned out to be a girl I was in year 7 at school with. I told her what had happened and she told me that she knew someone who could help me out. She lead me to this other room where this new guy had a whole bunch of firearms. I grabbed the biggest one I could carry and a belt of ammunition, then headed back to the room I had been trapped in. When I got there, I kicked the door in and opened fire. After a few seconds, I noticed the room was completely empty, all except for an envelope with my name on it...
it was then I woke up. Had sweated so much it was like I had taken a shower.
Was not a great way to start the day
Saturday, August 05, 2006
I find this incredible...
Surely Kerri Anne deserves a cab charge thrown her way every now and then??
Side note, I reckon that 30 years ago, she would have been quite the stunner...needless to say, if she was ever in the market for a younger guy to swan around with, I would be throwing my proverbial hat in the ring...*
* This post may contain liberal amounts of sarcasm...but seriously, I would
Another reason to love youtube...
Tenacious D at their best.*Animated boobies and some questionable behaviour...minors go away for now
Saturdays at work...gotta love it!
As part of this super mautre age student thing I am doing, I need to work on weekends so I am not homeless. I have been lucky enough (in a manner of speaking) that the company I worked for full time previously, has let me stay on in purely a part time capacity. All I have to do is work 24 hours each weekend...back to back, 12 hour days. Hence, I have no social life anymore, which is pretty sad, although without the opportunities to go drinking each weekend, my liver is thanking me daily.No doubt the best part of weekend working is being able to do all my assignments in these slow times. I can honestly say that in a year and a half of uni, I have done every single assignment on company time...it is like really well paid Austudy. For instance, today I have already done a 1500 word assignment on capoeira for 'Dance as education and recreation'...I could do some more, but I have to fill in 12 hours tomorrow also.
One of those things I can never see too many times...
Here's hoping SBS replays as much Dave Chappelle as they can get their hands on...Chappelle's Show, Oz, Iron Chef...SBS, leading the way for Australian TV it would seem!
Yep thats right...
http://www.news.com.au/entertainment/story/0,23663,20026442-10388,00.htmlThose folks you thought were waiting for you, were really waiting for some guys who wear lycra, baby oil and pretend to fight.
I bet this would never happen to Jessica!
This is kind of surprising...but not really
http://www.news.com.au/entertainment/story/0,23663,20011142-10388,00.htmlI figured that more people would be watching this, even though it is pretty much trash...it is at least unintentionally funny trash.
This country never stops surprising me
I'm not sure exactly why it happened...
or how, but it would seem that for as long as I can remember, friends and acquaintances of mine, male and female, have felt that I would be a great place to tell every secret thought and life issue that they have. It is as though I am like a safety deposit box that can have things put into it, then be locked away till next time. I don't mind it all that much, although sometimes it can get a bit full on and it has happened more than once where I have actually forgotten who has told me what (imagine my embarrassment when speaking to someone later on, almost coming out with someone elses story, thinking I was speaking to that person...the drama!).Whats funny about it all though, is that I am probably one of the most guarded people around, almost to the point of living like an undercover operative. I rarely give out my home phone number or address and somehow have managed to keep my work world, uni world and home world all pretty much separate. So people tell me stuff about themselves that they wouldn't tell very many others, all the while not knowing anything about me other than what I let on, which invariably isn't much.
I must be seen as being wise and all knowing I guess...
Friday, August 04, 2006
The week that has been...
Well, firstly, on a personal front, my car decided to fry a wire that it appears was quite crucial to starting, so $150 later, all was good. The home PC decided to not boot up anymore, so I had to put on my IT tech hat and fix the bastard, which then of course wouldn't let me install anti virus software, so after a thousand back and forth emails with the Symantec people, I have just downloaded a free version from some German students...could be interesting.On a wider scale, Jamie wins Big brother, propelling sales of baggy arse trackies and headbands sky high, Paul finally kicks Issy out, possibly for good and the first installements of Yasmins getting Married aired.
A couple of things on that. The French guy in first couple of episodes reminded me why the world seemingly hates the French and I read somewhere that Yasmin is supposedly 29...on first glance, I would say she is a few years older than that (around 34 is my guess), or she has had a tough 29 years...although she does have nice teeth.